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Original Research Articles (Names in bold: TY-lab members)

Comparative validation of scintillator materials for X-ray-mediated neuronal control in the deep brain.

Hildebrandt M, Koshimizu M, Asada Y, Fukumitsu KOhkuma MSang N, Nakano T, Kunikata T, Okazaki K, Kawaguchi N, Yanagida T, Lian L, Zhang J, Yamashita T*.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25: 11365, 2024. (*, Corresponding author)


Signal flow in the NMDA receptor-dependent phosphoproteome regulates postsynaptic assembly for aversive learning.
Funahashi Y, Ahammad RU, Zhang X, Hossen E, Kawatani M, Nakamuta S, Yoshimi A, Wu M, Wang H, Wu M, Li X, Faruk MO, Shohag MH, Lin Y-H, Tsuboi D, Nishioka T, Kuroda K, Amano M, Noda Y, Yamada K, Sakimura K, Nagai T, Yamashita T, Uchino S, Kaibuchi K.
Science Signaling 17: eado9852, 2024. 

Stress-impaired reward pathway promotes distinct feeding behavior patterns.
Fujioka Y, Kawai K, Endo K, Ishibashi M, Iwade N, Tuerde D, Kaibuchi K, Yamashita T, Yamanaka A, Katsuno M, Watanabe H, Sobue G, Ishigaki S.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 18:1349366, 2024.

Interareal synaptic inputs underlying whisking-related activity

in the primary somatosensory barrel cortex.
Kawatani M, Horio K, Ohkuma M, Li W-R, Yamashita T*.

The Journal of Neuroscience 44: e1148232023, 2024.

(*, Corresponding author)

Press Release プレスリリース bioRxiv

​Selected for the cover article

Neural mechanisms underlying uninstructed orofacial movements during reward-based learning behaviors.

Li W-R#, Nakano T#, Mizutani K, Matsubara T, Kawatani M, Mukai Y, Danjo T, Yamanaka A, Ito H, Aizawa H, Petersen CCH, Yoshimoto J*, Yamashita T*.

Current Biology 33: 3436–3451, 2023. (#, Co-first authors; *, Co-corresponding authors)
Press Release プレスリリース bioRxiv (ver. 1) bioRxiv (ver. 2)

Downstream projection of Barrington's nucleus to the spinal cord in mice.
Kawatani M,  deGroat WC, Itoi K, Uchida K, Sakimura K, Yamanaka A, Yamashita T, Kawatani M.
Journal of Neurophysiology
126: 1959-1977, 2021.

Remote control of neural function by X-ray-induced scintillation.
Matsubara T, Yanagida T, Kawaguchi N, Nakano T, Yoshimoto J, Sezaki M, Takizawa H, Tsunoda SP, Horigane S, Ueda S, Takemoto-Kimura S, Kandori H, Yamanaka A, 

Yamashita T*.
Nature Communications 
12: 4478, 2021. (*, Corresponding author)

Press Release プレスリリース 神経科学トピックス

​新聞記事(中日新聞) bioRxiv (ver. 1) bioRxiv (ver. 2)


Frequency-dependent block of excitatory neurotransmission by isoflurane via dual presynaptic mechanisms.
Wang H-Y, Eguchi K, Yamashita T, Takahashi T.

The Journal of Neuroscience 40: 4103-4115, 2020.

Press Release 日本語解説

Diverse long-range axonal projections of excitatory layer 2/3 neurons in mouse barrel cortex.

Yamashita T*, Vavladeli A*, Pala A*, Galan K*, Crochet S, Petersen SSA, Petersen CCH.

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 12, 33, 2018. (*, Co-first authors)


Target-specific membrane potential dynamics of neocortical projection neurons during goal-directed behavior.
Yamashita T*, Petersen CCH*.

eLife 5, e15798, 2016.  (*, Co-corresponding authors)


Near-infrared (NIR) up-conversion optogenetics.
Hososhima S, Yuasa H, Ishizuka T, Hoque MR, Yamashita T, Yamanaka A, Sugano E, Tomita H, Yawo H.

Scientific Reports 5, 16533, 2015.


Membrane potential dynamics of neocortical projection neurons driving target-specific signals.

Yamashita T*, Pala A, Pedrido L, Kremer Y, Welker E, Petersen CCH*.

Neuron 80, 1477-1490, 2013. (*, Co-corresponding authors)



Developmental shift to a mechanism of synaptic vesicle endocytosis requiring Ca2+ nanodomain.

Yamashita T*, Eguchi K, Saitoh N, von Gersdorff H, Takahashi T*.

Nature Neuroscience 13, 838-844, 2010. (*, Co-corresponding authors)


Involvement of Ca2+ channel synprint site in synaptic vesicle endocytosis.

Watanabe H, Yamashita T, Saitoh N, Kiyonaka S,  Iwamatsu A, Campbell KP, Mori Y, Takahashi T.

The Journal of Neuroscience 30, 655-660, 2010.


Vesicular glutamate filling and AMPA receptor occupancy at the calyx of Held synapse of immature rats.

Yamashita T, Kanda T, Eguchi K, Takahashi T.

The Journal of Physiology (London) 587, 2327-2339, 2009.


Involvement of AMPA receptor desensitization in short-term synaptic depression at the calyx of Held in developing rats.

Koike-Tani M, Kanda T, Saitoh N, Yamashita T, Takahashi T.

The Journal of Physiology (London) 586, 2263-2275, 2008.

Developmental changes in calcium/calmodulin-dependent inactivation of calcium currents at the rat calyx of Held.

Nakamura T*, Yamashita T*, Saitoh N, Takahashi T.

The Journal of Physiology (London) 586, 2253-2261, 2008. (*, Co-first authors)


Vesicle endocytosis requires dynamin-dependent GTP hydrolysis at a fast CNS synapse.

Yamashita T, Hige T, Takahashi T.

Science 307, 124-127, 2005.

プレスリリース 日本語解説


Developmental increase in vesicular glutamate content does not cause AMPA receptor saturation at the calyx of Held synapse.

Yamashita T, Ishikawa T, Takahashi T.

The Journal of Neuroscience 23, 3633-3638, 2003.


A glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine, blocked NMDA receptor activation in the neonatal mouse neocortex.

Miyakawa N, Uchino S, Yamashita T, Okada H, Nakamura T, Kaminogawa S, Miyamoto Y, Hisatsune T.

Neuroreport 13, 1667-1673, 2002.


Review Articles

​Remote optogenetics using up/down-conversion phosphors.

Matsubara T, Yamashita T*.

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8, 771717, 2021. (*, Corresponding author)

Sensation during active behaviors.

Busse L, Cardin J, Chiappe E, Halassa M, McGinley M, Yamashita T, Saleem A.
The Journal of Neuroscience 37, 10826-10834, 2017.

Lateral hypothalamic circuits for sleep-wake control​.

Yamashita T, Yamanaka A.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 44, 94-100, 2017.

Ca2+-dependent regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis.

Yamashita T.

Neuroscience research 73, 1-7, 2012.



Book Chapters

In vivo whole-cell recording from the mouse brain. 

Kawatani MYamashita T*.

Methods in Molecular Biology 2794:245-257, 2024. (*, Corresponding author)

in "Cerebral Cortex Development: Methods and Protocols". Edited by Koh-ichi Nagata. Published by Springer, 2024.

Patch clamp recording method in slices for studying presynaptic mechanisms. 

Takahashi T, Hori T, Nakamura Y, Yamashita T.

Chapter 8 in "Patch Clamp Techniques: From Beginning To Advanced Protocols". Edited by Yasunobu Okada. Published by Springer, 2012.






生物工学会誌, 100, 437-440, 2022.



月刊「細胞」, 52, 63-66, 2020.



ブレインサイエンス・レビュー 2018
ブレインサイエンス振興財団・廣川信隆(編) (クバプロ), 383-403, 2018.

Clinical Neuroscience, 35, 166-168, 2017.


Clinical Neuroscience, 34, 612-613, 2016.

岡田泰伸(編)(吉岡書店), 96-102, 2011.

山下 貴之
生体の科学61, 548-549, 2010.

山下 貴之
生物工学会誌84, 502, 2006.

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